What you can expect:

At our business, quality is the foundation of everything we do. Each of our products is crafted with care and a meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that we only offer the best. Our team is dedicated to hard work and honesty, striving to provide you with the highest-quality products every day. Trust us to deliver excellence with each and every purchase.

The core of it all - Modular Farming

Our greenhouses are just the beginning of our extensive modular farming system. This holistic approach combines different areas of agriculture and fisheries with fodder production, with each module serving as both a production and supply unit for the others. Our well-trained staff from various disciplines ensures the highest quality and continuous product availability, benefiting not only the local environment but also surrounding small farmers through the supply of fodder and seedlings, job opportunities, and the chance to become suppliers or processors. We call this interconnected system our Florasystem, an ecosystem of production steps that support and enhance each other. Experience the benefits of sustainable agriculture with our Florasystem today.

Agriculture & Horticulture

At our farm, we prioritize high-quality production of vegetables and seeds, both in greenhouses and outdoors. Our farming operation and training concept are centered around this core value, ensuring that every product we offer meets our rigorous standards.


Our functional fingerling production is the key to providing fish farmers in Uganda with the resources they need to maintain a thriving fish production. With our fingerling production, we're able to provide high-quality fish stock that can help support sustainable fish farming practices.


Fish is a sustainable and healthy food that's essential to our future production. When prepared correctly, it offers a wealth of nutritional benefits and is an excellent choice for those seeking a healthy and sustainable protein source.


At our farms, we believe in the power of circulation and ecological circular economies. By incorporating livestock, such as goats and chickens, we're able to create a self-sustaining ecosystem that maximizes efficiency and minimizes waste. Our animals are fed with fodder from our own farms, and their manure is used to fertilize our soil, creating a closed-loop system that benefits both the environment and our products.

Feed Production

In order to create a sustainable and self-sufficient farming ecosystem, we need to provide feed for both our own animals and Ugandan farmers. By prioritizing high-quality and nutritious feed, we're able to support healthy livestock and fish production, while also promoting sustainable and responsible farming practices.

Fly Hatcheries

Our protein-rich fly larvae are the perfect addition to any sustainable farming operation. With their ability to dispose of large quantities of organic waste, they help promote a circular and efficient farming cycle that benefits both the environment and our products. Whether you're looking to feed your fish or chickens, our fly larvae are an excellent source of high-quality protein that can help support healthy and sustainable farming practices.

Waste Disposal

At our farms, we prioritize responsible and sustainable farming practices. This means cleaning up after ourselves and making sure that organic waste from agriculture and gastronomy doesn't go to waste. By collecting and repurposing unused nutrients back into the farming cycle, we're able to maximize efficiency and minimize waste, creating a closed-loop system that benefits both the environment and our products.


At our farms, we believe that education and training are key to building a sustainable future for agriculture in Uganda. By teaching young farmers about responsible and sustainable farming practices, we're able to ensure that knowledge and expertise are passed down through the generations, creating a strong and vibrant agricultural community. From greenhouse cultivation to livestock production and beyond, our training programs cover a wide range of topics designed to equip young farmers with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.


At our farms, we understand that successful farming relies on strong relationships with local communities. That's why we're committed to working closely with our neighbors to create sustainable and mutually beneficial partnerships. From providing job opportunities to supporting local businesses, our operations have a positive impact on the surrounding community. We're proud to be a part of this vibrant and dynamic community, and we're dedicated to ensuring that our work benefits everyone involved

How we started:

In 2019, we visited Bukalasa Agriculture College and explored the existing greenhouses used for growing tomatoes. We drew inspiration from Europe’s use of greenhouses to cultivate vegetables in a controlled environment and aimed to merge this with Uganda’s favorable climate. Our vision was to produce top-quality vegetables in protected greenhouses while educating young students on greenhouse management for sustainability.

After careful planning, we founded Floras Best Greenhouses Ltd. in June 2020, in collaboration with Bukalasa Agriculture College. We utilized their land to construct one small nursery greenhouse (8 x 30 m) and two larger cultivation greenhouses (16 x 40 m) for sweet pepper. We also created an outdoor nursery bed for onions and a field for outdoor cultivation.

Today, we have expanded our product range and built more greenhouses. Our trained staff and students operate the greenhouses and acquire practical skills on-site. Check out our current product offerings or consider our training programs to learn more.

Other business areas you can ask us about:

Supplier for Greenhouses and Equipment

Floras Best Greenhouses Ltd. provides comprehensive greenhouse solutions, including expert training, high-quality materials and equipment. Our greenhouse supplies are appropriately tested to ensure our customers can work successfully from the start. In addition to our greenhouses, we offer a wide range of tools, fertilisers, pesticides, tank and irrigation systems, test kits, and more. Whether you're an experienced farmer or just starting out, we have everything you need to grow healthy, sustainable crops. Contact us today to learn more.

On-SIte Consulting

Greenhouse operators often face challenges such as pests and diseases due to unqualified personnel and a lack of knowledge. Floras Best Greenhouses Ltd. provides comprehensive analysis and expert on-site training to help farmers overcome these issues and succeed. Individual training modules can also be booked at our training facility for targeted and efficient learning.

Greenhouse Operator

Floras Best Greenhouses Ltd. plans to establish more greenhouse farms in Uganda to ensure a nationwide food supply. The focus is on strategic locations near the markets to reduce transport costs and offer the highest quality products. Harvest losses often occur during transportation, which is why we have strategically placed cold storage rooms and refrigerated trucks to ensure consistent quality.

Contract Operator

Large restaurants, hotels, military, and police barracks require a high daily supply of fresh vegetables, traditionally sourced from regional markets with limited influence on required quality due to seasonal fluctuations. Floras Best Greenhouse Ltd. offers a solution by providing appropriate greenhouse operation services to these target groups. We produce nearby or directly on site what the respective customer wants, giving them control over quality and availability. By using greenhouses, we ensure precise production planning, providing customers with corresponding planning security. Our integrated farming approach enables us to put together a comprehensive and individual food package, meeting customer needs and expectations.

Investment Model

For investors who want to enter the greenhouse farming business without operating it themselves, Floras Best Greenhouses Ltd. offers a reliable solution. We take care of planning, market research, buyer search, construction, operation, and transportation of goods to markets. Our expert staff has the experience to ensure profitability and our marketing expertise helps attract buyers. Investors can choose to have a return paid out or use Floras Best as a service provider to run the business themselves. With almost all factors in greenhouse farming controllable and predictable, it's an ideal opportunity for investors with land and/or financial resources.