Our Vision

Floras Best Greenhouses, founded by Stephan Nehler and Frank Rath in 2019, aims to establish extensive and effective food production in Uganda. As a subsidiary of NSN Holding Ltd, Floras Best Ltd has partnered with institutions in Uganda, including Bukalasa Agriculture University, to find sustainable solutions to food security challenges. Together, they have launched a capacity-building project to train greenhouse managers and workers under controlled conditions at Bukalasa College.

With the goal of producing high-quality vegetables year-round, regardless of weather or pest conditions, Floras Best initially focused on building greenhouses. However, they soon realized that the lack of qualified staff was a significant obstacle to success. As a result, they set up a training facility at Bukalasa College to train greenhouse managers and workers. Starting in 2023, the facility will train 120 greenhouse managers and 240 greenhouse workers annually to set up and operate greenhouse farms in different regions of Uganda.

Floras Best is developing two new courses: the Greenhouse Skilled Worker and the Greenhouse Manager. These courses require a completed degree in an agricultural field, ensuring that participants have the necessary basic knowledge. The training facility is operated as a profit-oriented enterprise, which ensures its financial sustainability and allows students to learn about working in a greenhouse farm under real conditions.

Floras Best’s farming approach is holistic, using a production system based on active agro-ecosystem management that integrates both traditional and scientific knowledge. This approach is more likely to be sustainable in the long run and can contribute more effectively to food security in Uganda than conventional production systems. The team at Floras Best is dedicated to ensuring the success of their business, their customers, and the people of Uganda.

Staff & Partners

Florasbest Greenhouses Ltd. has a globally diverse and multi-skilled team responsible for efficiently running the company. Our executives have expertise in various areas and are comfortable working on every continent. We work with a network of synergistic partners, including institutions, expert consultants, and collaboration partners, to broaden our depth and reach when addressing complex transactions involving multi-disciplinary resources. We cooperate with international and regional companies, government agencies, and public institutions to deliver quality products and services on time. Additionally, we have a network of numerous institutions, freelance experts, and joint venture partners to work on more complex contracts and issues, sustainably improving food security and income generation for farmers in Uganda.

Our Director: Frank Rath
Our Director: Stephan Nehler
Our senior commercial officer: Annett Jensen
Our Manager: John A. Monday
Our content manager: Robin Nehler

Floras Best Greenhouses is led by directors Stephan Nehler and Frank Rath. These Nordic entrepreneurs are the driving force behind the company’s success. If you’re interested in doing business with us, you’ll likely meet them sooner or later. Both from Lübeck, Germany, they work as equal colleagues to make important decisions.

Our manager on the ground is John, a native of Uganda who takes care of daily business while we’re in Germany. He is well-connected throughout the country and runs his own shop, Buwumu, in Entebbe. As a self-employed business owner, he can quickly connect you with the right people to get your project started in mere minutes.

Robin handles all things digital, from managing our website to social media and keeping our cross-border communication productive. With his expertise, we’re able to stay connected and efficient across continents.